which heroes character are you?

Soy todo un Sylar, y no entiendo pq si no contesté "cosas raras" ¿? Bueno ahí dejo ese test ahora q'tamos con mono de series!!

¿Que personaje de héroes eres?


erGuiri ha dicho que…
No lo dudé ni 3 segundos:

Your Result: Hiro Nakamura 84%

You are Hiro Nakamura.
You can bend space and time with your mind. You always try to do what is right and you are very innocent. Maybe too innocent. You took a trip to the future and saw NYC blow up. Now you are focused on saving the world. You also love sci-fi.

Peter Petrelli 50%
Claire Bennet 48%
Issac Mendez 45%
Nathan Petrelli 31%
Matt Parkman 28%
Sylar 17%
Niki Sanders 12%
mardor ha dicho que…
A mi me salió esto:

Your Result: Hiro Nakamura 84%

You are Hiro Nakamura. You can bend space and time with your mind. You always try to do what is right and you are very innocent. Maybe too innocent. You took a trip to the future and saw NYC blow up. Now you are focused on saving the world. You also love sci-fi.

Claire Bennet 66%
Matt Parkman 63%
Issac Mendez 54%
Peter Petrelli 45%
Nathan Petrelli 12%
Sylar 3%
Niki Sanders 3%

P.D. No, si al final el Akira y yo nos parecemos.... Noooooooooo! XD
Anónimo ha dicho que…
joder!! Hiro y Peter... yo encima tengo niki!! jaja será por mi larga cabellera? ¿? jajaja ;-)

...y el david con hiro y claire!! jaja a ver ese traje de animadora!? jaja ;-)
pank_akira ha dicho que…
... el de ants fui yo ;-)

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